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Current Parent Resources


Welcome to the CURRENT PARENT RESOURCES (CPR) webpage - YOUR ONE-STOP PLACE to find all of the information you will need for the 2024-25 school year.

Think of it as your lifeline to staying connected to all things LCA! You will find:

  • Back-to-School Info for 2024-25
  • General Info & Forms
  • Communications & Ways to Stay Informed
  • Special Events & Campus Specific Information
  • Login to Your FACTS/Renweb Account
  • Ways to Support LCA & Community Rewards Program








Preschool - elementary yearbook










Register Here















2024-25 Back to School

schoolwide events

August 29 | Parenting With Purpose | Rose Campus Media Center | 12pm | RSVP Here


August 14 | 1st Day of School (TK - 12th Grade)

August 14 | IBC Campus Opening Day Chapel | IBC Sanctuary | 9:00am

August 15 | 1st Day of School (M-F & T/Th Preschool)

August 16 | 1st Day of School (M/W/F Preschool)

August 27 | TK-2nd Parent Info Night | Time TBD

August 28 | 3rd-5th Parent Info Night | Time TBD


August 27 | 6th Grade Retreat

August 27 | 8th Grade DC Trip Parent Meeting | Rose Campus Chapel | 6:30pm

high school

August 15-16 | Senior Retreat

August 22 | Freshmen Retreat

August 29 | Senior Parent Info Night | Rose Campus Chapel | (Date is tentative)

August 30: College Colors Day









 Your family's verification is due by July 31 in order for us to release homeroom assignments and class schedules.

To complete the Annual Handbook Verification Process, follow these steps:

•    Login to FACTS Family. (The link is located in the blue banner at the top of LCA’s website.)
•    Enter the District Code LX-KY, your username, and your password. 
•    Choose SCHOOL from the menu found on the left side of your screen.
•    Select WEB FORMS.
•    Choose 2024-2025 ANNUAL HANDBOOK VERIFICATION from the list of web forms.
Carefully review the handbooks applicable to your family and then submit, confirming your understanding and agreement with the handbooks.

The Admissions Office will notify your student's campus once we receive system notification that your family has completed the Annual Handbook Verification Process. If you have any questions or encounter a problem, please email


Did you miss the New Parent Orientation? Check out the PowerPoint presentation here.

Preschool - 5th

Carline and maps will be emailed to parents prior to the start of the school year.

6th-8th Grade

6th-8th Arrival Map (6th graders arrive and dismiss in the same lane)

7th-8th Pick-Up Map

High School

Parents should enter the LCA Rose Campus from Keithshire Way and proceed to the High School Drop-Off area. Student drivers should also enter from Keithshire Way and park in the designated parking lots. Student drivers are required to obtain an LCA parking tag from the High School Office. Tags can be picked up prior to or on the first day of school.

View the 2024-25 Major Dates HERE.

Pre-packaged school supplies for students in PS-8th grade can be purchased from School Tool Box and will be shipped directly to your home.


If you'd like to purchase your own supplies, please see the supply lists below. For those high school students, teachers will email parents and students before the start of the school year with class information, including any needed supplies. 




1st Grade

2nd Grade

3rd Grade

4th Grade

5th Grade

6th Grade (Note: PE shorts are listed on the Supply List but are NOT required. Please don't purchase any.)

7th Grade

8th Grade

High School - Teachers will email parents and students before the start of school with class information, including any needed supplies. 


View 2024-25 lunch information HERE

View information here about the option to order lunch from Packed, a Lexington-based company, beginning on October 1. Check out the Packed website at

A few things to keep in mind when ordering from Packed:
•    Packed subscriptions will be handled directly on the Packed site ( and will not be available for ordering from the LCA app or the FACTS Family portal. 
•    Packed lunches are actually subscriptions, so when a family buys a Packed lunch for their student to enjoy on Tuesday, it defaults to repeating each Tuesday. Parents can always change their order or pause/cancel. 
•    All Packed meal are made from scratch to order, so they don't have the capacity to handle last minute orders. Therefore, ordering cutoff is 8am Monday (the day BEFORE Packed lunch day). Parents can still skip and pause their order up until 8am the day of lunch, but they can't place new orders or change their menu selection beyond that Monday 8am timeframe.

Preschool Milk Order Form

Find helpful hints about organizing your space and practicing your locker combination HERE. (Please note that 6th grade lockers DO NOT have combination locks.)

Attention: Incoming 6th grade students are required to have an updated School Preventative Physical Exam and Immunization Certificate on file. See Kentucky Immunization Requirements for required immunization needed for students entering 6th grade as well as students who have recently turned 16.  

1. School Preventative Physical Exam (These are not the same as the sports physical exams).

2. Current Immunization Certificate  

A student enrolling at Lexington Christian Academy must provide proof of immunizations from the State of Kentucky as required by Kentucky Law. All required immunizations must be up-to-date. All forms must be completed and on file in the school office within two weeks of the beginning of school (WEDNESDAY, Aug. 28th) or the student will not be allowed to continue in-person education at school. The student will be allowed to return to school when all requirements are met. If you are not sure about the required immunizations, please check with your family doctor. Parents may also file a Religious Declination form. Click here for step-by-step instructions for completing a Religious Declination form. This is the required form and no other documentation can be accepted. Be advised that the "Kentucky immunization regulation does not permit philosophical exemptions to immunizations. Kentucky only has medical or religious exemptions to immunizations." 

A copy of the updated immunization and preventative exam forms can be faxed or emailed from your medical provider, or by you, to the attention of Nikki Gehring, Rose Campus Nurse for 6th-12 Grade, or Leslie Whitaker, IBC Campus Nurse for Preschool-5th. You can also email a copy to:

Nikki Gehring – Rose Campus Nurse
Fax: (859) 223-3769
Phone: (859)422-5711

Leslie Whitaker – IBC Campus Nurse
Fax: (859) 422-5795
Phone: (859) 422-5714

If you have any questions regarding Kentucky's immunization requirements for school attendance, please visit the Kentucky Department of Education website or Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services website. A brief summary of the changes to the immunization requirements is available here.

We're happy to introduce our new faculty and staff members for the upcoming school year. You'll also recognize some familiar faces taking on new roles this year. 

Get ready for the start of the 2024-25 school year with this guided prayer calendar

We love to have our parents on campus - volunteering, subbing, or working as a member of our team.  Use the links below to learn more about opportunities. 

Parent Teacher Fellowship


Subbing/Employment Opportunities

For mor information about tryouts and contacting coaches, visit the Fall 2024 Sports webpage HERE


LCA Website - Our website, is full of information, from athletic events to school news. Campus level information can be found by going to the Current Parent Resources webpage.

Wingspan - Weekly Newsletter - LCA's weekly newsletter, Wingspan, is sent each Thursday afternoon. This will give you important information about items such as upcoming events and important deadlines. If you do not receive the newsletter, please email, so you can be added to the list.

Thursday Folders - Students in preschool - 5th grade will bring home a folder each Thursday filled with important information from the week. Be sure to check this folder each Thursday night and return it on Friday. 

Weekly E-newsletters from Teachers (PS-5th Grade) - Each week our preschool through 5th grade teachers will provide their families with an e-newsletter, which will highlight the next week's content, reminders, and highlight of upcoming events.

Official School Emails - Email updates - LCA is reliant upon email to convey information to its families. Please make sure your email address is on file and accurate. Contact the admissions office with any changes.

Parent/Teacher Conferences - Conferences are scheduled in October to provide families with an opportunity to receive an evaluation of student progress. Additional conferences may be scheduled at the request of the parent, guardian, or teacher.

Text Alerts - Periodically the school will use its text alert system to provide families with an immediate news notification such as when we will have an inclement weather. Please make sure your cell phone is on file and accurate. Contact the Admissions Office with any changes.



FACTS SIS is our school management software that facilitates communication. View the PDF here.

With FACTS Family you are able to:

  1. Keep current with your student's grades, homework, behavior, and attendance
  2. Find contact information for other students, families, faculty, and staff
  3. Keep your personal information updated (so we can keep in touch with you!) 

    Instructions for Accessing FACTS Family 
    In order to access FACTS Family, the admissions department must have your current email address on file. Parents can contact Julie Guilliams at to confirm your email.

Step 1 - Go to (click on the 3 stacked lines at the top right)

Step 2 - Click on "FACTS Family"

Step 3 - Enter LCA's district code, which is "LX-KY"

Step 4 - Your username is the email used when you completed your admission information. Your password was created when you first logged in. If you need help, contact Julie Guilliams at (Note: To create a new account, click "Create New Family Portal Account" on the log-in page.)

Step 5 - Use left-hand navigation for School, Student, Family Information, and FACTS.

Families can also access their FACTS Family account via the FACTS Family APP. The app is available for Apple and Android devices and provides families with easy access to students' calendars, grades, announcements, newsletters, attendance, and much more ... 

LCA uses Canvas as its learning management system. It is a focused learning management system designed to connect educators to students. Canvas allows educators to organize and share information including: class notes, assignments, announcements, and grades. Students and parents can access this system via an online portal as well as a mobile app. Parents must request Observer access to their student's Canvas account from the appropriate campus office. Learn more by watching this video

LCA uses social media sites to help keep families informed about upcoming events and other campus news. We encourage you to follow us on:

LCA Facebook - @LexingtonChristianAcademy

LCA Instagram - @lca_ky_eagles

LCA Twitter - @LCAKYEagles 

LCA Athletics Facebook - @LCASports

LCA Athletics Instagram - @lcaathletics

LCA Athletics Twitter - @LCAathletics

LCA Alumni Facebook - @AlumniLCA

LCA Alumni Instagram - @lca_ky_alumni

LCA Chorus - @lcachorus

If you have questions or concerns about your student or what is happening in the classroom, you are encouraged to email the teacher. You can find all email addresses listed in the LCA Staff and Teacher Directory here


Main LCA Number

PS-2nd Office

3rd-5th Office

6th-8th Office

High School Office 

Athletics Office

Student Billing

Immanuel Campus Nurse (PS-5th)

Rose Campus Nurse (6th-12th)


8:00 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.: Half-Day
8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.: Full-Day
3:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.: After Care

8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. TK-5th Grade School Day
3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.: After Care


7:40 a.m. - 8:20 a.m.: Drop-Off
8:20 a.m. - 3:20 p.m. 6th-8th Grade School Day
3:20 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.: Pick-Up

7:30 a.m. - 8:20 a.m.: Drop-Off
8:20 a.m. - 3:20 p.m. High School Day
3:20 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.: Pick-Up

8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Accreditation - Accreditation is the recognition from an accrediting agency that an institution maintains a certain level of educational standards.

Ace - The name of the LCA eagle mascot.

ACE Schedule - For 6th-12th grade, the ACE schedule is an alternate school schedule used for special activities, clubs, and/or enrichments.

ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International) - Accreditation with ACSI involves a vigorous, holistic process of organizational appraisal and improvement that engages every school constituent. Every step in the ACSI accreditation process is designed to drive improvement in Christian schools around the world.

Annual Fund - The Annual Fund is an essential component of our fundraising efforts at Lexington Christian Academy. Tuition alone does not fund all that makes LCA the extraordinary place that it is. The Annual Fund helps bridge the gap between tuition and the full cost of educating each student.

Auxiliary (Aux) Gym - The auxiliary gym, located at the Rose Campus, serves as the primary gymnasium for physical education instruction for the 6th Grade Academy. In addition, it is the school's secondary gym for athletic programs.

Baccalaureate - A special ceremony held the Sunday before graduation to celebrate the senior class.

Board - The Board of Directors is the policy-making leadership of the school, entrusted with furthering the school's mission.  

Business Partners - LCA's business partnership program provides businesses with opportunities to financially support the school and connect with our families. The program includes providing access to premium signage around our campus as well as digital marketing and event sponsorships.

Canvas - Canvas is a learning management system. It is a focused learning management system designed to connect educators to students. Canvas allows educators to organize and share information including: class notes, assignments, announcements, and grades.

Celebrate Teachers & Staff - This program is an intentional appeal to fund and provide our teachers and support staff with a Christmas bonus.

CBO - CBO is the acronym for the school's Central Business Office located at the Rose Campus.

Cognia - Cognia works with school systems, both public and private, across the globe to assess the quality of their institutions. Based on rigorous research-based standards and evidence-based criteria, the accreditation process probes the whole institution-from policies to learning conditions and cultural context-to determine how well the parts work together to meet the needs of every learner.

Convocation - A special prayer event held each August where senior parents, teachers and staff pray over the members of the senior class.

DanceBlue - A fundraising effort led by our high school students. Funds are raised throughout the school year at different events and then culminates in a no sleeping dancing mini-marathon. The final amount raised is announced at the end of the night.

Eagle Cards/Account - The Eagle Card is a student ID that can be used to purchase items from the Wings Store, Grab n' Go, and Concessions. Funds must be added to the student's account via FACTS Family.

Eagle Gala - The gala is the culminating event to celebrate the conclusion of the school’s annual fund campaign.

Extended Care - LCA offers extended care to students in preschool - 5th grade, which is designed to provide students with a safe and enriching atmosphere when they are not attending class.  After care is 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Activities include enrichment, homework help, outside play, and an afternoon snack.

FACTS Family - LCA uses FACTS Family as its School Information System to store demographic, grade, assignment, conduct and directory data. It is also used to process payments for tuition and fees.

Feathers' Closet - This is a kiosk located at our IBC Campus outside of the 3rd-5th grade office. The kiosk carries a limited inventory of LCA logo apparel and items such as hairbows, backpacks, hats, and water bottles. 

Grab 'N Go - During lunch, students at the Rose Campus have access to a kiosk, "Grab 'n Go," which sells beverages, lunch items and snacks. Students can purchase items from Grab 'n Go by using their Eagle Card.

IBC Campus - IBC is the acronym for the campus housed at Immanuel Baptist Church, located at 3100 Tates Creek Road, Lexington, KY 40502. This campus houses our preschool - 5th grades.

Ignite - Ignite is our new, revamped program of co-curricular activities for our elementary students in 2nd - 5th grades that was launched during the 2023-24 school year.

Junior/Senior Prom - LCA's annual formal social event held in the spring for the school's juniors and seniors.

Main Gym - The primary or "home" gym at the Rose Campus is referred to as the "main gym." It houses 7th-9th grade PE classes, pep rallies, and varsity sporting events.

Media Center - The library housed at the Rose Campus is referred to as the "Media Center." It serves students 6th-12th grade.

Media Center Conference Room - The conference room associated with the Media Center is Room 207 of the Rose Campus.

Mezzanine - The mezzanine is a space which overlooks both of the gymnasiums housed at the Rose Campus. This space can be used for classroom activities, meetings and special events.

Parents in Prayer - This is a group of parents who meet weekly to pray for the school. Meetings are held at both campuses. Schedules and locations are posted at the start of the school year.

Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF) - The PTF is a parent-led organization offering all LCA parents and teachers many opportunities to connect with the school and build relationships through service and special events.

RaiseRight (formerly known as the Eagle Tuition Incentive Program or E-TIP) -  is a tuition credit initiative designed to lower the cost of attending LCA. With E-TIP, your family does your regular shopping using gift certificates from America’s leading retailers (e.g., Meijer, Target, Speedway, OfficeMax, Wal-Mart) as well as some of our local vendors. With each purchase, your family earns discounts that can be converted to tuition credit for your children.

Rose Campus - Located at 450 West Reynolds Road, Lexington KY 40503, this campus houses our 6th-12th grades and athletics facilities. It is named after Jim and Judy Rose, who are grandparents to seven LCA alums. When their grandchildren were young, Jim became involved with our school. He worked closely with our school leaders to help overhaul the R.J. Reynolds Tobacco stemming plant, which is where our LCA Reynolds Road (Rose) Campus now stands. He was instrumental in helping connect our school with contractors in the region to oversee various tasks related to the project. We are very thankful to Mr. Rose for his dedication and commitment to helping the Rose campus be here today.

Senior Night - Senior athletes are recognized during each of the sports seasons.

Spirit Wear - LCA apparel designed to show your school spirit. Every Friday, spirit apparel can be worn to school. See the specific campus dress code for additional details.

Spirit Week - Takes place the week leading up to the Friday night homecoming game. Each campus plans different dress themed days and other fun activities.

Tailgating - A Friday night tradition at the varsity home football games, where LCA families come together to enjoy food and fellowship while tailgating in the athletics parking area.

Trunk or Treat - An annual event held each October prior to a home football game filled with decorated car trunks, costumes and lots of candy.

Wingspan - This is the school's e-newsletter that is sent to LCA families each Thursday during the school year, except during the holidays.

WINGS Store - WINGS is the official LCA store for purchasing everyday LCA wear and Friday Spirit wear.  WINGS carries LCA logo apparel and accessories such as polos, hoodies, sweatshirt, backpacks, duffel bags, hairbows, PE uniforms, locker decorations, and  locker magnets. The store is located at the Rose Campus (450 Reynolds Rd., Lexington, KY 40503) by the gym entrance.

5th Grade Day of Celebration - A special ceremony held in May to celebrate our 5th grade students as they leave the IBC Campus and prepare to enter the 6th Grade Academy.

8th Grade Day of Blessing - A special ceremony held in May to celebrate our 8th grade students as they leave junior high and prepare to enter high school. 

The Rose Campus Media Center serves Lexington Christian Academy students in grades 6-12. The media center’s mission is to foster critical thinking by supporting faculty and students as they assess information and contemplate ideas from a wide array of sources, and to promote the evaluation of information and ideas from the perspective of a Biblical world and life view.

The media center staff provides students with training in research, help with information needs, and recommendations on good books.

Media Center Hours
Monday – Friday: 7:45 a.m. – 3:45 p.m.
The media center closes at 12pm on early dismissal days.

For more information, please contact


LCA Library Catalog
Search for books and other resources available in the Rose Campus Media Center.
Lexington Public Library
Search for books and resources available through the Lexington Public Library.
Digital Theater Plus
Drama & concert database *
Gale Student Research Center
Informational database *
Informational database *
Opposing Viewpoints in Context
Presents both sides of current and historical issues *
Today's Science
Up-to-date articles on the latest in science and discoveries *
American History
Historical information, including primary sources, about the United States *
World News Digest
Up-to-date information on the world today *
Research in Context
Easy to use basic research on a variety of subjects *
The World Almanac for Kids
Best for grades 3-8 *
*check Converge for password information

general forms

Please make sure your medical forms are up to date and that we have a current copy of your student's immunization record. Links to medical forms can be found below. 

Kentucky Immunization Form  
Kentucky Physical Form  
Kentucky Eye Exam Form  
Kentucky Dental Screening Form  
Allergy Action Plan  
Asthma Action Plan 
Diabetes Plan  
Prescribed Medication Form  
Over the Counter Medication Plan
Migraine Action Plan  
Seizure Action Plan

  • Immunization Record: All LCA students must have a current Kentucky immunization Certificate on file with their campus offices by the first day of school, August 16, 2023. 
  • Kentucky Physical Examination Record: All NEW students plus all 6th grade students must have a current Kentucky Physical Exam record on file by the first day of school.

  • Kentucky Eye Examination: All preschool - 1st grade students must submit a Kentucky Eye Exam by January 1, 2024.
  • Kentucky Dental Examination: All preschool - 1st grade students must submit a Kentucky Dental Exam by January 1, 2024 (completed by a licensed dentist or dental hygienist)


The office must be notified at least two weeks prior to any planned absences (2+ days). *All school work should be collected by the student before he/she leaves. However, if any additional days are missed beyond what was expected, please email your student's teachers to let them know. Please be sure to read the LCA Attendance Policy and Makeup Work information below before submitting the Extended Absence form.

LCA Attendance Policy
• Any pattern of absences which totals more than 15 days of instructional time or 15 missed class periods in one subject area per semester is cause for serious concern and may lead to a repeating of the grade, repeating of the class, or a loss of academic credit. Records of attendance shall be kept for each student.
• When the student has accumulated 10 absences in a semester, the campus principal will contact the parents or guardians and may require a meeting with them and the student to discuss the situation and possible impacts on the student’s academic standing. 
• When the student accumulates 15 absences in a semester, the parents or guardians will again be notified. At this point the student may fail those classes in which the 15 absences have occurred as outlined in our accreditation standards.

Makeup Work
• Students are responsible for seeking all assignments by contacting the teachers or through online postings. Students may make up work missed during an excused absence for full credit.
• Students will have one day to make up work for every day they were absent. 
• Announced tests for which students had adequate time or prior notice to study shall be made up on the day immediately following the absence unless determined otherwise by the teacher or campus principal. The home and school should work together to honor the student’s good faith effort to attend school following an illness by scheduling make-up tests in a manner that allows academic success. 
• Students will receive a 0 for assignments not completed. 

Extended Absence Form - Elementary




Carline and maps will be emailed to parents prior to the start of the school year.

Extended Care at LCA is a way we can assist families bridge the gap if they are unable to pick up their students by 3:15 p.m.

Ignite is our program of co-curricular activities for our elementary students in 2nd - 5th grades. 

Learn more about these programs here.

6th-8th grade specific forms & information

The office must be notified at least two weeks prior to any planned absences (2 or more days). 

One day absences may be reported by contacting the school office at 859-422-5703. 

extended absence form - 6th-8th Grade

Carline and maps will be emailed to parents prior to the start of the school year.

Click here for the criteria in order to progress to the next English class in grades 6-8 at Lexington Christian Academy. Students must meet all the criteria in order to advance to the next level.

Click here for the criteria in order to progress within each match track in grades 6-8 at Lexington Christian Academy. Students must meet all the criteria in order to advance to the next level.

As a reminder, your incoming 6th grade student is required to have:

1. School Preventative Physical Exam (These are not the same as the sports physical exams).

2. Current Immunization Certificate  

A student enrolling at Lexington Christian Academy must provide proof of immunizations from the State of Kentucky as required by Kentucky Law. All required immunizations must be up-to-date. All forms must be completed and on file in the school office within two weeks of the beginning of school (WEDNESDAY, Aug. 28th) or the student will not be allowed to continue in-person education at school. The student will be allowed to return to school when all requirements are met. If you are not sure about the required immunizations, please check with your family doctor. Parents may also file a Religious Declination form. Click here for step-by-step instructions for completing a Religious Declination form. This is the required form and no other documentation can be accepted. Be advised that the "Kentucky immunization regulation does not permit philosophical exemptions to immunizations. Kentucky only has medical or religious exemptions to immunizations." 

A copy of the updated immunization and preventative exam forms can be faxed or emailed from your medical provider, or by you, to the attention of  Nikki Gehring, Rose Campus Nurse (see info below). You can also email a copy to:

Nikki Gehring – Rose Campus Nurse
Fax: (859) 223-3769
Phone: (859)422-5711

If you have any questions regarding Kentucky's immunization requirements for school attendance, please visit the Kentucky Department of Education website or Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services website. A brief summary of the changes to the immunization requirements is available here.

9th-12th grade specific forms & information

Carline and maps will be emailed to parents prior to the start of the school year. Parents should enter the LCA Rose Campus from Keithshire Way and proceed to the High School Drop-Off area. Student drivers should also enter from Keithshire Way and park in the designated parking lots. Student drivers are required to obtain an LCA parking tag from the High School Office. Tags can be picked up prior to or on the first day of school.

The office must be notified at least five days prior to any planned absences (2 or more days).

The Pre-Excused Absence Form is available online through your FACTS Family account. Login to your parent account and click to School > Web Forms > High School Student Forms to complete and submit.

One day absences should be reported by contacting the school office at 859-422-5701 or emailing Liz Smith at

The following documents can be requested by using the form link below:

  • Attendance Report
    Car Insurance Discount Form
    Enrollment Verification
    Most Recent Report Card
    Unofficial Test Score Report
    Unofficial Transcript
  • Seniors must request official transcripts for college admissions in their Naviance Student account.
  • Other Forms (email info to


document request form

Click here to complete the School Compliance Verification: KRS 159.051 form.

Beta Club and the National Honor Society uses the MobileServe app to sign up and track service hours. For more information about how to set up an account, click here.

LCA students who wish to bring a guest from another school to a school dance must request and be approved prior to the event by completing the Dance Guest Form


The course request process for the 2025-2026 academic year begins on Monday, February 3, with an information assembly for rising 10-12 grade students.

On Tuesday, February 4, students will receive a paper Course Request Form that lists their recommended core courses based on both application of the course prerequisites and their teacher's assessment of the course in which they expect to have the best chance of success.

Students will complete and return their signed Course Request Form to the High School office or their Bible class NO LATER THAN Tuesday, February 11. This form, signed by the student, approved by the parent and verified by the counselor and will be the basis of building the schedule.

Student schedules will be released one week before school begins.

Course Change Requests ("drop/add") may be made via a Course Change Request Form beginning the first day of fall classes through the first five days of the semester. 

  • No course changes can be made between when Course Request Forms are submitted and the start of drop/add. 
  • Be thoughtful and prayerful about your course requests as you are making a commitment to them which may not be possible to change later.





The High School Course Guide provides detailed descriptions of each course offered at LCA, including academic prerequisites and grade level restrictions. 

An abbreviated list of all courses available by grade level is on the back of each student's Course Request Sheet.

Mr. Riley Perkins
Academic Counselor, grades 9 & 10

Mrs. Amy Cornell
College Counselor, grades 11 & 12, last names A-L

Mrs. Lauren Sizemore 
College Counselor, grades 11 & 12, last names K-Z

Mrs. Julie Guilliams, High School Registrar

The Counseling and Registrar's Offices are 10-month staff, so please note that communication over the summer will be delayed. 

The Academic Track Worksheets help guide students and parents through their prospective four-year math plan.

Math Track Worksheet

Core Course Tracks Worksheet

Begin with the left column (9th grade) and find the course in which you were (or expect to be) enrolled as a freshman. A double-underline indicates a break between the tracks that start in the freshman year.

Move right through the grade level columns to see the options available.

Pay close attention to the academic prerequisites for each possible course. In some cases, final course placement cannot be determined until Semester 2 grades are final. 


academic discipline = also known as academic department; core course content areas plus elective course content areas

academic pathway = concentration of courses in a specific academic discipline which earns a student Pathway Endorsement on the diploma and recognition at graduation; see Course Guide for details on pathways

Academic Placement Waiver Request = formal request to have prerequisites waived by the school to allow placement in a more rigorous course; not required to move from an advanced course to a less rigorous course

alternate course = a course that differs from the course recommended by the school; enrollment is not guaranteed; an Academic Placement Waiver Request is required if requesting a more advanced course 

class capacity ("cap") = the LCA Board-approved maximum number of students permitted in an individual class/section to help maintain an ideal student:teacher ratio; current class capacity is 22; some room sizes allow for a capacity of 25 for select courses   

core course = English, math, science, social studies, world languages; at LCA, Bible courses are also considered core courses

Course Guide = annually published document which provides extensive information on course offerings, content descriptions, prerequisites, collegiate athletic eligibility requirements, recommended four-year academic plans and more

course length = all courses are either single-semester (0.5 credit) or full-year (1.0 credit) in length

course level = College Prep (CP) - foundational, on-grade course; Honors (H) - advanced academic rigor based on speed of content coverage, increased degree of content depth and higher standard of content mastery; Advanced Placement (AP) - college-level curriculum designed by the College Board for which a student may earn college credit based on an end-of-course national test; Dual Credit (DC) - college courses in which a student is accepted by and enrolled in a providing college or university and which earns both high school and college credit; typically, DC courses earn 3 college credits and, because they are completed in a single-semester timeline, earn 0.5 high school credit; Dual Credit Elective (DCE) - Dual Credit courses taken independently which do not fulfill a graduation requirement (elective) and do not factor into the Weighted Cumulative GPA (WCGPA) for the purposes of graduation honors

credit (cr) = unit earned by successful completion of coursework and which is multiplied by the numeric value of the grade earned in the grade point average (GPA); single-semester courses are 0.5 credit, full-year courses are 1.0 credit, AP Microeconomics and AP Macroeconomics are 1.0 credit courses taught in a semester time frame

elective = non-core courses, specifically those in the art & humanities, business & law, technology & engineering

grade point average (GPA) = mathematical calculation based on a standard 4.0 scale (90-100/A=4.0, 80-89/B=3.0, 70-79/C=2.0, 65-69/D=1.0, 0-64/F=0.0)

graduation requirements = the total number of credits in each academic discipline required to earn a diploma; Bible=4, English=4, math=4, science=3, social studies=3, world languages=2, arts/humanities=1, health=0.5, physical education=0.5, public speaking=0.5, electives=3; Total=25.5

prerequisite = any requirement that must be met in order for a course to be available to the student; prerequisites may be limited to a specific grade level, the earned grade in a previous course or concurrent enrollment in a partner course in another academic discipline

quality points = bonus points factored into the GPA for advanced coursework; Honors +0.5 (A=4.5, B=3.5, C=2.5, D=1.5), AP and DC +1.0 (A=5.0, B=4.0, C=3.0, D=2.0, AP F=0.0, DC F=1.0)

recommended course = the course that has been determined to be the best option based upon the academic record and teacher evaluation of student's ability to succeed; the default course that is next in the track sequence following the current course

weighted cumulative GPA (WCGPA) = GPA that includes ALL courses taken (excluding Dual Credit Electives) calculated with advanced courses awarded a higher value based on quality points

To be considered for an advanced course for which you were a) not recommended or b) do not meet the prerequisites you must submit an Academic Placement Waiver Request (links below). The APW request will be reviewed by the appropriate academic department. If approved, a conditional enrollment in the advanced course will be processed with the possibility that LCA will make an enrollment change, if necessary, based on academic performance.

Link to electronic Academic Placement Waiver (must be logged into student's LCA Office365 account to access and submit)

Click here to print a PDF Academic Placement Waiver and submit it with your Course Request Form.


Students who do not meet the prerequisites or have not been recommended for advanced courses may submit a request to be approved for the course. The Academic Placement Waiver request will be reviewed by the student's counselor and the academic department. If approved, the student may be conditionally enrolled in the requested course. Continued enrollment is contingent upon successful academic performance in the course, which will be evaluated both within the first four weeks of the course and during the mid-year semester break. A hard copy of the waiver form is also available to pick up in the High School Office.

Students do not need to submit an Academic Placement Waiver to opt out of an advanced (Honors or AP) course and into a College Prep-level course.


Riley Perkins

college counseling

Amy Cornell 
11th & 12th Grades (Last Names A-J) 
Phone: 859-422-5725

Lauren Sizemore 
11th & 12th Grades (Last Names K-Z) 
Phone: 859-422-5745


To request the opportunity to request approval for independent enrollment in a Dual Credit course not offered at LCA, complete this form.

Naviance Student is LCA's college guidance software. It features robust college and scholarship search engines, manages the admission application processes for students, and handles transcript and recommendation requests. 

Information will be posted soon. 

Currently enrolled students may request unofficial transcripts and other documents through the Document Request Form.

Seniors must request official transcripts for college admissions in their Naviance Student account.

LCA graduates may visit our Alumni page for information on ways to stay connected to classmates and the school.

Alumni and previously enrolled students may order official transcripts for college, graduate or professional school and prospective employers through Parchment, the nation's leading etranscript exchange. Click the graphic to create your account and order your transcript.

LCA does not keep copies of high school diplomas in our archives as they are not legal or academic documents, but are rather a certificate of completion presented as a gift to the graduate. Official certification of your completion of the high school course of study at LCA is made only through the official transcript, which notes your date of graduation.

With College Board's move to computer-based testing in Fall 2023, LCA is no longer able to offer PSAT testing to non-LCA students. 


RaiseRight (formerly the Eagle Tuition Incentive Program known as “E-TIP”) is a program set up for families to accumulate credit toward their tuition obligation at LCA. Families purchase prepaid gift cards from local and national retailers. These cards are just like cash. In appreciation for your patronage, these businesses provide discounts between 1.25% and 50% of the face value of the gift card. Find additional information at the links below.

RaiseRight Overview

Frequently Asked Questions

RaiseRight Agreement

RaiseRight Release Form

RaiseRight Local Retailers

RaiseRight Website

Questions? Contact Helen Proffitt at

General Mills created the “Box Tops” program to help support education and benefit America’s schools. Here is how the “Box Tops” program works:

  • Download the Box Tops app to your mobile device. Just search for “Box Tops” in the app store.
  • When you go shopping, look for the Box Top logo. It can be found on products from Annie’s, General Mills, Hefty, PaperMate, Pillsbury, Ziploc and more.
  • Scan your receipt - Use the Box Tops app to submit your receipt within 14 days or purchase.
  • Earn cash for schools - Box Tops are identified and earnings are credited online. Schools receive a check twice a year - in December and April.


You can also connect your Walmart and Box Top accounts, so you can earn cash for your school when you purchase Box Tops products in-store or online using your saved Walmart payment method — without scanning or submitting your receipts! 


Did you know every time you shop – or go out to eat – you can support Lexington Christian Academy? We invite you to participate in our other rewards programs through the following:

Kroger Community Rewards

Kroger is committed to helping our communities grow and prosper. Year after year, local schools, churches and other nonprofit organizations will earn millions of dollars through Kroger Community Rewards. Our program was designed to make your fund-raising the easiest in town...all you have to do is shop at Kroger and swipe your Plus Card! 

Enroll now for the Kroger Community Rewards Program. All participants must re-enroll each year to continue earning rewards for their chosen organization. August is a great time to re-enroll or enroll in this program.

If you have already registered your Kroger Plus Card Account

  • Go to
  • Go to “Kroger Community Rewards: already have an account…click here"
  • Find Your Organization - enter
  • Select Your Organization - select Lexington Christian Academy
  • Save Your Selection -  click save

To verify you are enrolled correctly, under Account Settings, click Account Summary & verify that Lexington Christian Academy is designated as the Community Rewards recipient.

If you do not have a Kroger Plus card, they are available at any Kroger customer service desk.

If you have NOT already registered your Kroger Plus Card Account

  • Go to and click on top right corner “Create an Account”
  • Enter your email address and create a password, confirm
  • Add your Kroger Plus Card account number (found on the back of the card)
  • Select Your Preferred Store: Enter your preferred store zip code and select “Find store." Select store location, click “Save & Continue”
  • Click Create Account
  • Continue with Community Rewards instructions above AFTER you receive a confirmation message to your email account

That’s it! Whenever you shop, simply swipe your Kroger Plus card for great savings and an easy added benefit to LCA! Your designated charity will be listed at the bottom of every shopping receipt.


Bluegrass Hospitality Group has expanded their generosity to a year-round fundraiser known as GiveBHG Year Round. The program is simple!  Simply go to and purchase gift cards in any amount. LCA receives a 20% reward! Gift cards must be purchased online and not in the restaurants in order for LCA to receive the reward.  Remember…BHG gift cards make great gifts!


Report a tardy or absent student to the appropriate office below.

Main LCA Number

PS-2nd Office

3rd-5th Office

6th-8th Office

High School Office 

Athletics Office

Student Billing

Immanuel Campus Nurse (PS-5th)

Rose Campus Nurse (6th-12th)