Faith • Service • Excellence
Continuous Enrollment
At LCA, we recognize the value in a sustained, long-term partnership with families in the education of their children. A seamless transition from preschool through high school provides a consistent, thorough progression through academic coursework. Because of this philosophy, LCA manages its enrollment through a process called, “Continuous Enrollment.” From the time of admission, a child will be considered enrolled at LCA through their high school graduation unless otherwise notified by the parent.
Each year, the Admissions Office will remind families of these key Continuous Enrollment dates and information:
January 10
Tuition and fees for the new academic year will be published.
January 17 - February 29
Withdrawal Notification Period: LCA understands circumstances change such as the need to move due to a parent’s job. If a family is NOT returning to LCA for the following academic year, they must complete the WITHDRAWAL FORM by February 29 so that they will NOT be charged the non-refundable continuous enrollment fee per student. (Continuous enrollment fees are not refundable after February 29.)
March 1
Eligible 6th-11th grade students may submit their course requests for the new academic year.
March 20
LCA will automatically deduct the students’ continuous enrollment fees for the following academic year.
To learn more about Continuous Enrollment, please contact (859) 422-5733 or