Faith • Service • Excellence
Spiritual Life
Lexington Christian Academy exists to prepare students to impact the culture for Christ. Biblical truth is at the heart of who we are and what we do every day. Our prayer is to help each student grow in their walk with Christ as they study, understand and obey God’s word and develop a Christian world and life view. LCA students develop a connection between the academic and the spiritual from reading simple Bible stories in preschool and elementary years to rich, deep study and engaged dialogue at the junior high and high school level. Our program allows each child to grow in their knowledge and understanding of God and His deep love for each of them through Christ.
Weekly chapel is a time for worship, to hear God's word proclaimed and to learn how to put faith into action for all LCA students. Chef Sprinkles shares Jesus with our youngest students. Then beginning in 1st grade, students will start a journey through the Bible to help them further understand the story and what a true relationship with our Savior is. During 4th and 5th grades, they will dig deeply into studying scripture, interpreting and applying it to their lives.
When students start 6th grade on the Rose campus, the focus remains on studying the scriptures, but students also begin to discover their identity in Christ and explore their spiritual gifts. Through junior high and into high school, students are challenged to look into the world to see how they can be the hands and feet of Jesus. LCA prays that each student will be equipped with a Biblical worldview to seek God's wisdom, discernment and will as they use their gifts to further the Kingdom of God beyond the walls of LCA.

Spiritual Emphasis Week is a time designated by LCA to highlight and focus on the spiritual development of students. Students hear from guest speakers and engage in chapels that are designed to provide a relevant worship and teaching experience with practical application that will further their spiritual development.
Community Service & Mission Trips
At every grade level, our students experience the joy of making a difference. They participate in community service projects, from serving meals at local charities, volunteering with the Toyota Bluegrass Miracle Baseball League, collecting toys for Shriners Hospital, collecting food for the Christian Appalachian Project Hunger Walk, raising thousands of dollars for Dance Blue for pediatric cancer patients, and much more. Older students have many opportunities to serve on missions regionally and internationally providing them a glimpse into how they can impact the world.
Parents in Prayer
The purpose of Parents in Prayer is to encourage and facilitate prayers of parents and grandparents of LCA students for the entire LCA community. Parents are encouraged to join us at the times listed below.
Mission & Spiritual Trips

Interested in serving? APPLY HERE

Passion 2026 Trip for the Class of 2026 Seniors
The Passion 2026 Conference will be January 1-3, 2026 and tickets are going fast! Trip details and cost will be organized at a later date, but tickets must be purchased soon.
If your student is interested in attending, please PURCHASE TICKET(S) HERE, and then let Mrs. Payne know by emailing her at