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Reflecting on Service Emphasis Week: A Week of Giving Back

Service Emphasis Week, which was held at both campuses from April 15-19, was more than just a series of events; it was a collective effort to amplify the spirit of giving. Throughout the week, students, faculty, and staff came together to emphasize the importance of serving others, both within our school community and beyond.

The essence of Service Emphasis Week was beautifully captured in the various activities and initiatives undertaken. From volunteer projects within the school premises to outreach programs extending a helping hand to communities worldwide, every endeavor was a testament to our commitment to making a positive impact.

Service Emphasis Week provided a platform for collaboration and partnership within our school community. It was heartening to see students, faculty, and staff working together towards a common goal, pooling their resources and talents to make a meaningful difference. As we reflect on the success of Service Emphasis Week, let us carry forward the momentum generated by this collective endeavor. It is our hope to continue to seek out opportunities to serve others, to lend a helping hand wherever it is needed, and to be the hands and feet of Jesus. 

Below is an overview of the week's activities. Check out photos from the Rose Campus here and the IBC Campus here

IBC Campus (PS-5th)

Monday – Small individual acts of kindness. Classes started challenge charts and encouraged small acts of kindness from our students.

Tuesday – Small class acts of kindness. Students looked for ways to serve specifically in their classrooms. 

Wednesday – Classes completed class service projects, which included sidewalk art projects, picking up trash on campus, praying with staff, and helping teachers and staff.  

Thursday – Students served our community and showed them the love of Jesus. PS-K made cards for our nursing home kits, and 1st - 5th students packed the nursing home kits. 

Friday – Students continued to do small acts of kindness in their classrooms and celebrated the week with special chapels. 


Rose Campus (6th - 12th)

Monday - Students kicked off the week with special chapels. 

Tuesday - 6th-12th grade participated in a shoe processing and packing event with Master Provisions. Our students were able to process 10,875 pairs of shoes that will be sent to families in need in Kentucky and Kenya.

Wednesday - 6th-12th grade participated in a hygiene and school supply kit pack and letter writing for Psalm 82:3. 806 letters were written to the foster children at Psalm 82:3. Students packed 430 hygiene kits/school supply kits, which will be sent to Psalm 82:3 mission in Liberia, Africa. These will be used to help the community and those students attending their school.

Also, on Wednesday, a group of high school students and staff made brownies and packed lunches for 40 women at Natalie's Sisters, which serves women in need in the Lexington area.

Thursday - 6th-12th grade participated in Bible wrapping, card writing and intentional prayer for Military Missions. LCA students and families donated 704 Bibles, which were wrapped and will be sent to members of the military. Students also wrote 351 thank you cards, and spent 20 minutes in intentional guided prayer for our service members, their families, our country and Military Missions.

Friday - 6th-12th grade participated in serving LCA's facility team. High school students helped load the trailer for the Eagle Gala, moved rectangle lunch tables to the facility building, Language Lab tear down, and removal and trash pickup around campus. 6th-8th grade cleaned the football field and bleachers, removed gum and sanitized chapel seats, cleaned and removed trash from main gym, pulled weeds in the shared outside space by 6th grade entrance and removed trash around tennis courts, dumpsters and practice fields near Shilito Park.

Students, staff, and faculty served a total of 2,417 hours of man-power during the week!