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6th-8th Grade Students Lead Chapel Program

The 6th Grade Academy and Junior High has more than 60 students serving on Team Chapel this year! They are dedicated to serving with excellence on the Media Team, Welcome Team, Praise & Worship Team, Community Service Team, and Prayer Team.

Josh Robinson, 6th-8th Spiritual Life Director, said this about the students, “Young Christians need to understand that being a follower of Christ means imitating Jesus' servant leadership. Jesus famously said he came to us not to be served but rather to serve. That is the heart of Team Chapel. Our students are provided the opportunity to serve their classmates each week by taking on different chapel responsibilities that enable us to proclaim the truths of Scripture clearly. My hope is their service in these important formative years will lead to a lifetime of service in their local church and community."

On September 10, 2021, the 6th Grade Academy and Junior High students hosted special Patriot Day Chapels to remember and honor the 20th anniversary of 9/11. The chapels included students narrating a presentation showing the timeline of events of that day and having a special prayer. Matt Ginter, former MLB pitcher, LCA parent and a current assistant coach for the LCA Baseball team, was the guest speaker. Ginter was in New York City on the morning of 9/11 since the Chicago White Sox were scheduled to play the New York Yankees that night. He and other members from the team had planned to be at the World Trade Center area the morning of 9/11, but they overslept. He described being in NYC that day and answered several questions from students about the events and what it was like in the days that followed.

6th Grade Academy & Junior High Chapel

6th Grade Academy and Junior High Chapel