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Chloe King, LCA Freshman, Competes in Teen Bible Quiz

Chloe is pictured with Mrs. Smith, LCA
math teacher and the TBQ Kentucky
District Coordinator and Pastor Bernie
Elliott, the National Bible Quiz Coordinator
for the Assembly of God Churches.

Chloe King, LCA freshman, recently competed in the Teen Bible Quiz Friendship Tournament in Orlando, Florida. Teen Bible Quiz (TBQ for short) is a quick recall type event, where questions about the Bible are asked, and members of the competing teams give answers based on the content. Chloe has been participating in TBQ since August 2021. Prior to that, she participated in Junior Bible Quiz (JBQ) on her church's team for six years, first through sixth grades. 

"I’m on my church’s team, and one of the people that helps organize our events is Mrs. Patricia Smith, one of the junior high math teachers at LCA. She’s the Kentucky District Coordinator of TBQ, and she’s one of the ones that organized my team’s recent trip to Florida and was our coach at the meet. It was a great experience, and it helped me learn a lot more about the Bible. Everyone was very friendly and kind, and it’s easy to tell that everyone who quizzes in TBQ has a lot of fun doing it. It’s a great way to learn God’s Word, creating a fun way to go in-depth into learning Scripture. I’ve really enjoyed doing Teen Bible Quiz this year, and I plan on doing it all throughout high school," said Chloe.

Every year, a different book of the Bible is focused on as the subject of the questions being asked. This year the focus has been the Gospel of Matthew. Chloe said she has enjoyed practicing and learning God’s word with a preciseness that many wouldn’t have otherwise applied to reading Scripture. 

Chloe said, "JBQ was a big presence in my life for many years, and Teen Bible Quiz has become one as well. I understand the Gospel of Matthew much better than I would have if I wasn’t a part of the program. It’s a blessing to be a part of the team that I'm on." 

Chloe studying before the tournament
began. Participants are given spiral-bound
books called “Scripture portions” that
contain the book of the Bible being studied
that year. The book is used to study the
verses, people, geographical locations, and
more from the book.